GAKYBM Chapter 1: The Easy Days Are Over.

Go away, kid. You bother me. A vape shop owner's opinions and observations of an industry in its infancy. Chapter 1 The Easy Days Are Over As it was. The only entities that were more upset about the end of prohibition than the Temperance League were the guy who had the still and the guy that ran the rum. The guy with the still needed rudimentary knowledge, raw materials, vessels, and the tubing to start up production, along with a quiet, isolated space to set it up. The guy who was running the rum needed a fast car, intimate knowledge of the back roads, and which enforcement officers could be bought instead of avoided. Both required the mindset that they were going to do this in the face of a legal structure that said they should not. This behaviour is not unlike the Canadian vaping industry before May of 2018. Before this date, Health Canada's only official statement regarding vaping was this notice: 2009 Health Canada notice "To All Persons Interested in Importing, Adv...