Puff Bars
I get anywhere from 10 to 20 phone calls a week and 2 to 4 walk-ins asking for Puff Bars . "Do you carry Puff Bars?" "Do you sell those 800 puff bars?" "Do you have those puff things?" "Hey, I was wondering, do you have..." No. No, I do not. Nor do I intend to in the foreseeable future. Do I think they should have a place within the vaping industry? Perhaps. I can see a small, limited scope usage case where a skeptical adult smoker might see the appeal in using one, as a proof of concept, or perhaps a concerned family member may want to provide one to an inveterate smoker for the same reason. And if I truly believed as many as 10% of the enquiries I have fielded were from skeptical smokers or concerned family members, I would give consideration to carrying a single-use disposable nicotine delivery system. Most days, my emotional response is to wonder if 10% of those fielded phone calls involved persons who have reached the age of access. If I...