
Showing posts from July, 2020

Puff Bars

I get anywhere from 10 to 20 phone calls a week and 2 to 4 walk-ins asking for Puff Bars .  "Do you carry Puff Bars?" "Do you sell those 800 puff bars?" "Do you have those puff things?" "Hey, I was wondering, do you have..." No. No, I do not. Nor do I intend to in the foreseeable future. Do I think they should have a place within the vaping industry? Perhaps.  I can see a small, limited scope usage case where a skeptical adult smoker might see the appeal in using one, as a proof of concept, or perhaps a concerned family member may want to provide one to an inveterate smoker for the same reason. And if I truly believed as many as 10% of the enquiries I have fielded were from skeptical smokers or concerned family members, I would give consideration to carrying a single-use disposable nicotine delivery system. Most days, my emotional response is to wonder if 10% of those fielded phone calls involved persons who have reached the age of access. If I...

GAKYBM Chapter 2: Promoting Tools as Toys.

Go away, kid. You bother me. A Canadian vape shop owner's opinions and observations of an industry in its infancy. Chapter 2 Promoting Tools as Toys In the very early days, the promotion of vaping products was primarily done by word of mouth and personal demonstration in smoking areas across Canada. This wasn't paid advertisement for a specific brand or shop. This was the organic conversation that occurred when a person walked into a group of smokers and proceeded to not have a cigarette. The very act of pulling out what looked like a pen and puffing on it and exhaling what looked like cigarette smoke but smelled very different would almost immediately start a conversation full of questions. "What is that?" "How does it work?" "You don't smoke cigarettes  anymore?" "Does it feel like smoking?" "Do you feel better now?" "How much did it cost?" "Where did you get it?" "Does it always smell that good?...