Going down the taxation rabbit hole. (In Canada)

"You are going to make vaping more expensive than smoking" That's pretty much the knee-jerk howl that comes out every time taxation gets brought up. Now I could go on about whether the product should be taxed at all, or my opinions on taxation based on relative risk, but frankly, no one would give a shiny wooden nickel for those thoughts. So let's explore comparative pricing and determine at what point smoking "likely" becomes cheaper than vaping. Trust me, that's going to be muddy enough, with plenty of assumptions, rounding errors, and confounders. This blog will drive Carl V. Phillips around the bend. However, it will give the average vape shop owner a rough idea of where the comparative price points are between the two disparate products. It will also give them an idea of how much a tax would cut into that "competitive pricing" freeboard. "How many cigarettes are in a bottle of e-liquid?" None, but that doesn't mean we can...