I was asked a question. Here is my answer (and thensome)
A letter is printed in a newspaper. The author shares it on Twitter. I comment. Author responds. I reply. A question gets asked: "Alberta is the only province that does not regulate vaping. Why?" ... and here we are. Now I can't speak for the government, but there are several plausible reasons why the revisions to the TOBACCO AND SMOKING REDUCTION ACT, Statutes of Alberta, 2005, Chapter T-38 have not yet been proclaimed. How plausible varies. Some would be pretty glaring, some not so much. 1) Generally, Albertans are perceived as "independent", "personal rights" focussed, "Don't tread on me" types. I offer this as neither an accolade nor an admonishment. It's a generalization. It's a stereotype. It also has a grain of truth to it. Decades of "right" leaning governance. Home of such quotes as "Shoot, shovel, shut up" as a public statement from a premier in response to an issue with bovine spongiform encepha...